EARTfelt Greetings dear friends of the protection and control technology, A few days ago, a major update of the ARTES testing software from KoCoS Messtechnik came out. In the official product announcement of the manufacturer states:

New version of the ARTES testing software available
With the new version 4.31 an update of the ARTES test software is available. Significant innovations here are an even simpler and faster parameterization of protection relays and working with relay templates.
In particular, the parameterization of increasingly complex protection systems makes it difficult for newcomers as well as users who do not use the full functionality of the software every day to handle them.
With a new setting dialog, the ARTES test software now provides a tool that significantly simplifies and speeds up parameterization. The dialog visually displays in a general overview which settings are actually necessary and still to be performed for checking the respective protective function. Without long detours and without a long search, the relevant program part can be directly called up from the overall overview in order to make the settings in it.
n a new inspection object database, which is accessible from the customer area of the KoCoS homepage, numerous test object templates for protection relays from various manufacturers are now available for download. The predefined templates and corresponding test plans make it much easier to work with ARTES. Also, the creation and application of templates in the new ARTES test software has been further improved.
In addition, the new software has undergone some improvements as well as bug fixes on various parts of the program. In addition, customer requests and suggestions for improvement could be taken into account by which the new ARTES testing software could be optimized.
The software update is now available in our download area.
A download link is available on request from our
Support Team (service@kocos.com)