You want to test generator protection systems?
You want to learn the tricks of the professionals?
Learn everything you have to know to start as a commissioning engineer. You get all the crucial facts that we need to know and our entire experience about the process of generator protection commissioning on over 200 pages of our e-book reference tool.
You want to learn how we put current- and voltage transformers to the acid test?
You want to know how function- and secondary tests are realized ?
You want to set 90 und 100 % stator earth fault protection in operation?
You want to realize primary current- and voltage transformer tests and measure short-circuit and idle characteristics of generators?
Learn everything you have to know to start as a commissioning engineer. You get all the crucial facts that we need to know and our entire experience about the process of generator protection commissioning on over 200 pages.
Free TrialWhat you're going to learn with this book?
"An entertaining and experience-based manual and a very good description of the practical commisioning of synchronous machines."
Dipl.-Ing. Hagen Grünert
As every individual is only as good as his, or her, team,
I've decided to use the first person plural form ("we") throughout this manual.
The following people participated to prepare the "Commissioning Bible":

Alexander Muth ✭ Author ✭
Dipl.- Ing. (FH) Alexander Muth (1978), is founder and owner of SAREX Communications and PROCONPLANET.COM. After obtaining his degree in electrical engineering at the University of Lausitz in Senftenberg with a grade of "outstanding" an receiving an award for his doctorade from the VDE, he started work as an international comissioner of electrical protection systems and released several publications.
"He knows how to get to the heart of complex issues." (Dr.- Ing. Udo Drechsler)

Sarah Schulze ✭ Design ✭
Sarah Schulze is self-employed artist and singer. She is responsible of the great shape and designed the unique concept of the "Commissioning Bible".

Maria Schneider ✭ Proofreading ✭
Maria Schneider is born in 1984 in Jena / Germany and works for the "Cottbuser Kinder- und Jugendtheater Piccolo" as an actor and theater pedagogue since 2005. She has special skills about correction of books and scripts. She took care to keep pace with the hi standard of spelling, grammer, punctuation and modern literature (german version of the book).

Dr.-Ing. Udo Drechsler ✭ Lector ✭
Dr.-Ing. Udo Drechsler (1954) ,VDE, VGB, is chief engineer of electrial energy systems and works for the IEK GmbH Dresden.
After obtaining his degree in electrical engineering at the University of Leipzig he startet his promotion in 1980 at the technical University of Dresden.
- 1983 - 1987 scientific assistent at the section "Elektrotechnik" of the University Dresden- 1986 promotion at the technical University of Dresden- 1987-1992 he worked for the printing machine factory "Planeta Radebeul" and developed complex automation systems- from 1992 he startet to work as project and commsissioning engineer for EUT Radebeul- 2002 he started as project and commissioning engineer for VEAG PowerConsult GmbH
Dr. Drechsler is a member of the research group „Netzrückwirkungen“ of the "VDE-Berzirksvereins Dresden". Furthermore he's a member of the VGB expert group for „Electrical Generator Protection“.

Martin Vehma ✭ Co Lektor & Bildbearbeitung ✭
Martin Vehma (born 1984) ist planning- and commissioning engineer of electrical systems for more than 10 years. He knows electrical protection engineering inside out and is one of the best commissioning engineers of Germany.
Thanks to him, the book includes meaningful colored drawings of the tests described in the book. In addition he did a great job as Co-Lector.
E-Book with 224 pages and 41 figures
PDF-format with real book layout / printable
Buy in our German Store (Book is english)